Author: Alice Bulonza Nasekwa

Let’s not limit God Image converted using ifftoany

Let’s not limit God

Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Sometimes we limit God’s power simply because we never ask him the desires of our hearts. However, we might not always get the answers to our prayers right away; we might […]

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Jesus Christ


Todays’ blog is inspired by Matthew 24 & 25. The Bible talks about the end of time, and its beautiful part of enjoying everlasting life with Jesus Christ, but it also clearly talks about the scary part (eternal inferno). Let’s face it, with the way the world is going today, the end of time is […]

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Listen to the still voice

Listen to the still voice

My Saturdays are usually for Jesus; I try to spend the whole day with God or doing things that bring glory to God (hey I really try). Last Saturday, I wasn’t feeling well, so I didn’t do a lot of reading the Bible or praying, but the presence of the Lord and the peace of […]

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Let it go!

Let it go!

Today I was having a frustrating day, I went to the city to look for something important, and it wasn’t available, so I had to travel to one of the nearest towns to get what I wanted. I did get what I wanted, but I was also having issues with my train card. I was […]

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Gratefulness is a lifestyle not an emotion

Gratefulness is a lifestyle not an emotion

Our lives have seasons, and that is very overwhelming for me sometimes because we want the next step now, so we don’t have to wait for it tomorrow. And at some point, we get frustrated when we don’t have what we excepted to have now already. The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that for […]

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Dare to LOVE

Dare to LOVE

1 John 3:16-17 says:  16 By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17 But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in […]

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Today could be the salvation day for someone!

Today could be the salvation day for someone!

I have been so caught up with the issues of life, not realising that my life is about loving God’s children. When I don’t specifically pray for people I might meet on the street, I end up coming home distracted about something that doesn’t really matter. I included evangelism in my life routine where I […]

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Bumpy ride

Bumpy ride

What looks like an impossibility right now in your life, God already knows how to fix it (John 6:6). Nevertheless, God needs our faith and actions to match as faith without works is dead (James 2:17). In John 6:10, the disciples knew that there were only five loaves of bread and two fish to feed […]

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Paralysed Generation

Paralysed Generation

Have you ever been on your phone or computer and you just get stuck there for hours; you want to move, but you don’t seem to do it. I have been there many times. If you have never experienced this, then you are probably above 90 years old. What I mean is that everything around […]

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God is God, and that is good!
Jesus Christ

God is God, and that is good!

This week as I was sharing a meal with friends, one of my friends Koen mentioned that “God is God, and that is good”; because a lot of time when we say “God is good and that is his nature” we quickly run our minds toward “God giving us only good things because he is […]

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