Listen to the still voice

Listen to the still voice

My Saturdays are usually for Jesus; I try to spend the whole day with God or doing things that bring glory to God (hey I really try). Last Saturday, I wasn’t feeling well, so I didn’t do a lot of reading the Bible or praying, but the presence of the Lord and the peace of the Holy Spirit was with me. I promised God the day before that I will go on the street and pray with one specific person that He will show me.

I didn’t want to break the promise I made to God because I wanted Him to rely on me to do His work, and I knew that He was able to give me the strength I needed that day because the Bible says in Ephesians 6:10 (NLT) “Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.”

So, I decided to walk to the store, 1,8 Km away from my house. For people that personally know me, I dislike walking! But I did it anyway. And, on my way back, I almost gave up. I was tempted to take the bus, and that’s when I heard the still voice in my heart telling me: “keep walking”. I obeyed and continued walking. It was already dark, so I wasn’t planning to speak to any strangers at that time. As soon as I was close to my house, I met a friend. I met a friend that was going through a tough time and needed prayers plus a hug.

Now Jesus can’t come down to hug people, I mean he has the power to do it, but he uses us to do his work here on earth. If I took that bus and ignored the voice of the Holy Spirit, I would have never met that friend, and I wouldn’t have allowed God to use me to be a blessing to someone else.

Today we focus a lot on ourselves and forget that there is a real-world with real people going through real-life issues. This week I challenge you to ask God to use you for his glory. Pray for a friend or have lunch with someone.

God can use your hug or your time, but not your likes!

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