Jesus wants to use you too!

Hi there,

Welcome to Praying with Strangers 🙂

In 2019 God asked me to share his love with the world around me, and my first reaction was: “I wanted you to use me, but I am an individualistic person to start telling people about Jesus Christ’s love on the street!” And do you know what God told me?

He said: “I want to use your voice to reach out to that one person that someone else was too afraid to tell about JESUS CHRIST today.”

To give some context to the story, I am bold when it comes to sharing my faith; I am not ashamed (Romans 1:16) to say that I go to church every Sunday or that I am reading a Christian book. However, most of the time, I talk about how Jesus is wonderful to me but don’t always extend that favour because I am merely afraid that people might reject my Jesus.

Well, we have all been there! But that’s not where we should stay. Sharing the good news about Jesus Christ is not like selling a broken house hoping the buyer doesn’t realise that it is broken, but it is loving other people more than yourself and your pride to share with them this life-changing news (LOVE STRONG conference). The gospel is the truth; when you have the truth, you ought to share it.

Jesus’ goal in my life is being able to share the gospel and to pray with at least one person a day, and I will use this weekly blog to reflect on what God will be teaching me through all my encounters. Remember, we are progressing towards the goal and not perfecting the goal!

Love changes everything; believe me, everyone needs prayers!

And God wants to use you to make a change in this dying world as John 14:12-13 says Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

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