Sharing the gospel is not just a commandment; it is also a feeling!

Sharing the gospel is not just a commandment; it is also a feeling!

We all know that the greatest commandment is to first “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”. As well as, loving your neighbour as yourself (Matthew 22:36-40).
When we love God, we can not be ashamed to share his love with our neighbours that we ought to love more than ourselves.

This is not just a commandment; there is a feeling that requires us to be faithful. Faithfulness is when we do something over and over again. Jesus didn’t ask us only to love that one lovely neighbour and forget about the other mean one. No, he asked us to serve others despite whether we are comfortable or not.

I have the goal to speak to one stranger a day, and that goal can easily distract me from accomplishing more when the Holy Spirit is guiding me. It is not just a number of people that need to hear the gospel, but it is about the lives that we could all impact forever.

This week I started talking to a lady, but she only spoke Dutch, and my Dutch is close to 0.5/10. I started walking away and said ‘I tried Jesus’, but the Holy Spirit said to me: you have google translate, go back. I went back to the lady and simply told her “Jezus houdt van je” which means Jesus loves you (at least according to google).
I had faith that those four words from the Holy Spirit will allow Jesus to touch her heart more than an entire speech I could have given her.

God wants us to care for our neighbours and to have faith in God that he will give us all we need to make his name known all over the world.

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