Let it go!

Let it go!

Today I was having a frustrating day, I went to the city to look for something important, and it wasn’t available, so I had to travel to one of the nearest towns to get what I wanted. I did get what I wanted, but I was also having issues with my train card. I was just not in the mood.

I was waiting for the train and still meditating on the word of God as my verse of the day was in Isaiah 41:9 that says that I am a chosen servant of GOD and he will not cast me off. I wasn’t feeling like a good servant, but I believed it. Deep in my thoughts, I heard a voice that said: “What do you see?” Of course, my first answer was “grey sky” dah! Then I looked to my left there was this guy who just came to sit and was waiting for the train as well. It was not the right time to talk to strangers; I was not in the mood.

Then somehow I managed to say Hi thanks to the power within me that is greater than the power in the world (1 John 4:4). I had a great conversation with this nice guy, and he sat with me on the train. We talked about the love of Jesus and the reason I talk to strangers; he spoke about his work and so forth. Having that conversation was the best moment of my day today, and my so-called “bad mood” changed.

And what I learned today is that there is no wall between strangers and us, the wall is in our hearts because we spend so much time focusing on what is not going well in our lives instead of thinking of how we can give back. Talking to a stranger today about God while going through a difficult time was a way for me to give back control to God.

It doesn’t matter how chaotic your day is or how messed up your mind is, You have to believe that Jesus Christ is in control of your life and wants the best for you.


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