All you need is less doubt!

All you need is less doubt!

The society has set standards for us to follow. And when we don’t know God’s values, we will always think that having everything that the world tells us “we need” will make us happier and contented. Do worldly things actually fulfill us? Think about it; you will always need more money, more attention, more parties, more relationships and more and more; it is never enough.

However, the Bible tells us in Acts 2:4 that the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit; and Jesus left us a helper because he knew that if we are not filled with the Lords’ power, we will look for weak alternatives to fill the void in our lives. For example, an empty soul can be filled with depression, but a soul filled with the Holy Spirit will continuously get rid of depression with hope. Romans 15:13 tells us: ‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’

The main goal of “Pray with strangers” is praying with strangers in real life. These past few weeks, I spoke to 3 guys on the street. They all said that they were contented with their lives right now, and one even said that Jesus meant nothing to him. Their responses were not unexpected because God wanted to use me to plant his love in their lives, and teach me more about the love of Christ, even when my prayers were rejected.

The interesting part is that the last guy I spoke with said he was contented with his life and didn’t need any prayer, but he asked me to pray for healing for one of his family members. PAUSE!

This guy said he doesn’t need Jesus Christ in his life, but he believes that Jesus is powerful enough to heal his family member? That’s why we have to do what we have to do Christians! People have faith, but they believe in the wrong things such as ‘themselves’, and only the truth about Jesus Christ can set them free.

This is not about us needing more faith but it’s about us doubting less. One of the reasons we are so distant to God in this generation is because we are so distracted with so many things happening around us. There is no time for God, but there is time for 5 hours+ screen time. The more we get distracted the more we don’t have time to learn about Jesus and the more we doubt about his mighty power. The three guys only said what they said because they do not know who Jesus is; if they knew the love, joy and peace Jesus Christ can bring in their lives, then they wouldn’t be contented with only their bank account status or the number of friends they have.

My prayer for the three guys was that the Lord May use our conversations to remind them that there is a God that loves them and has greater plans for them; despite the fact that the world still denies Jesus.
Share the love of Jesus today; trust me, we all need to hear it.
Coming up next: I believe Jesus is powerful, but I’m good!

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