Author: Alice Bulonza Nasekwa

Stability Illusion!
Jesus Christ, Lifestyle

Stability Illusion!

This blog is overdue!!! About a month ago, I got a revelation as I was coming from work, biking! Yes, I bike to work (sometimes), as much as I dislike crossing the bridge from Arnhem Zuid to the city, I still have to do it. For Dutch people or sport passionates, crossing this famous Arnhem […]

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Matter of Heart!
Jesus Christ

Matter of Heart!

A couple of weeks back, I went to evangelise with a friend, and we had a fascinating question. This young lady asked us:  “Why should I believe in Jesus when I have an aunt who believes in God, and yet she has cancer and has never had an easy life?“

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Feed from the source!
Jesus Christ

Feed from the source!

The exciting part about evangelism is that you get to share the word of God with people and give them the truth that will feed not only their souls but also their Spirits and minds. And, that’s also the challenging part about evangelism because everyone thinks that you are tricking them into believing in something […]

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What’s clouding your faith? (part 2)

What’s clouding your faith? (part 2)

In Part 1 of this blog, we talked about the fact that not only can our personal pain cloud our faith, but other people’s walk with God can also affect the way we see God. What I didn’t mention in the first part is that on Saturday 27th of June 2020 the weather was what […]

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What’s clouding your faith? (Part 1)

What’s clouding your faith? (Part 1)

On Saturday 27th of June 2020, my friend Rianne and I spontaneously decided to evangelise in the city. We had great conversations, but all of them didn’t believe because of “something” that happened or didn’t happen in their lives. The first lady we spoke to believes in humanity and not in God because she was […]

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All you need is “a little cloud”

All you need is “a little cloud”

One of the things I started doing during quarantine is painting. And as I finished painting today, the image reminded of 1 Kings 18:44 that says: Finally the seventh time, his servant told him, “I saw a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea.” Then Elijah shouted, “Hurry to Ahab and tell […]

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Followers or Followers?

Followers or Followers?

         follower /ˈfɒləʊə/ noun An individual who supports and admires a particular person In the social media world, a “Follower” is someone who has decided that they want to keep up with one’s life. Followers observe and like someone else’s life and sometimes even copy that lifestyle. And when followers are not […]

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We can’t do many regular activities today because of the lockdown, and many of us are struggling with finding ways to stay busy. Also, in these daily struggles, we wonder whether God will come through for us tomorrow. John 2:7-8 Jesus told the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” When the jars had been filled, […]

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by Gabriella Isaac I recently played a game of word association with a couple of friends. If you are not familiar with this, it is quite simple. A word is chosen at random, and then you think of a word that you would associate with it. For instance, let’s say our word is ‘tickle’ some […]

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The “ONE”
Jesus Christ

The “ONE”

Luke 15:4,7 “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it? Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over […]

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