What’s clouding your faith? (part 2)

What’s clouding your faith? (part 2)

In Part 1 of this blog, we talked about the fact that not only can our personal pain cloud our faith, but other people’s walk with God can also affect the way we see God.

What I didn’t mention in the first part is that on Saturday 27th of June 2020 the weather was what I call “moody”. It was first sunny and hot; then it moved to cold and rainy. The heavy rain started when we were in a park, and we took shelter under a tree with two other guys. Something was telling me to evangelise to them, but I was more worried about the fact that I was getting wet.

After about twenty minutes of rain, the weather changed and went back to being sunny again. We could have easily gone home, but when God wants to use us for his glory, He gives us the will to keep serving Him.

Long story short, we decided to walk around, and on the opposite side of the city, there were the two guys we were with under the rain for over twenty minutes and couldn’t share the gospel with them. 

God gave us a second opportunity to share the truth with them, but we had the choice to obey or ignore!

Sometimes, we don’t share the gospel because we don’t feel comfortable, but we will never know how urgent someone needs to know about Jesus. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed for all of us. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to tell the world about Jesus, do it!

The two guys from the rain didn’t believe in Jesus and weren’t planning to do it. They said that Jesus was real to Christians because we choose to believe in Him. But I know that our long conversation was a seed that challenged them to think twice about why they didn’t believe in the first place.

Romans 10:17 says: Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. 
You could be the only chance for many to receive the word of God, and my prayer is that you don’t allow your feelings or comfort cloud what God wants to share through you!

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