Category: Lifestyle

Striving after Wind!
Faith, Lifestyle

Striving after Wind!

It has been a while since I posted, and so much happened. Through it all, God is teaching me the value of Time. And how to prioritize what brings glory to the Father. Today’s blog will be a mediation of Ecclesiastes chapter 1,2&3. Have you ever thought of this: All the rivers run into the sea, Yet […]

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Is God not pleased with me?

Is God not pleased with me?

2 Samuel 15:26 But if he says, ‘I am not pleased with you,’ then I am ready; let him do to me whatever seems good to him. (NIV) One of my fears growing up was disappointing my parents. I tried to do everything to honour them. However, despite my & my parent’s efforts, I still did things […]

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What is my purpose?

What is my purpose?

Many ask the question: why was I born? What is my life purpose? One thing I know is that your life purpose is not reaching that career goal or buying that Lamborghini (I love me a Lambo) or even marrying that woman/man. Let me ask you another question: What have you built your life on? […]

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Why do I think the way I think?

Why do I think the way I think?

Isn’t this such a typical question we all ask uncle Google sometimes: Why do you do what you do?  But this is an essential question because we go through life without reflecting on our desires or feelings, which is dangerous as there is always deeper roots to everything we do. I was confronted recently by […]

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Stability Illusion!
Jesus Christ, Lifestyle

Stability Illusion!

This blog is overdue!!! About a month ago, I got a revelation as I was coming from work, biking! Yes, I bike to work (sometimes), as much as I dislike crossing the bridge from Arnhem Zuid to the city, I still have to do it. For Dutch people or sport passionates, crossing this famous Arnhem […]

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Followers or Followers?

Followers or Followers?

         follower /ˈfɒləʊə/ noun An individual who supports and admires a particular person In the social media world, a “Follower” is someone who has decided that they want to keep up with one’s life. Followers observe and like someone else’s life and sometimes even copy that lifestyle. And when followers are not […]

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by Gabriella Isaac I recently played a game of word association with a couple of friends. If you are not familiar with this, it is quite simple. A word is chosen at random, and then you think of a word that you would associate with it. For instance, let’s say our word is ‘tickle’ some […]

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Listen to the still voice

Listen to the still voice

My Saturdays are usually for Jesus; I try to spend the whole day with God or doing things that bring glory to God (hey I really try). Last Saturday, I wasn’t feeling well, so I didn’t do a lot of reading the Bible or praying, but the presence of the Lord and the peace of […]

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Let it go!

Let it go!

Today I was having a frustrating day, I went to the city to look for something important, and it wasn’t available, so I had to travel to one of the nearest towns to get what I wanted. I did get what I wanted, but I was also having issues with my train card. I was […]

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Gratefulness is a lifestyle not an emotion

Gratefulness is a lifestyle not an emotion

Our lives have seasons, and that is very overwhelming for me sometimes because we want the next step now, so we don’t have to wait for it tomorrow. And at some point, we get frustrated when we don’t have what we excepted to have now already. The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that for […]

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