In this mini-blog series, we are going through Mark 8 and learn many life lessons and Godly reminders.
Jesus asked, how much bread do you have? And today, He is asking you, how much faith, trust do you have? It doesn’t have to be a whole lot; the Bible says all we need is faith as big as a mustard seed to move mountains (Matthew 17:20). We have power in Jesus, it might seem small, but it is all we need for God’s miracles to be manifested through us!
One other thing Jesus did is He thanked God for what they had. Thank God for today! You don’t have bad thoughts today? Thank God; they might come back tomorrow but thank him then too! Because Jesus is always here to help us.
Jesus wants to include you to bless you! When we look at the passage, the same disciples who were wondering where the food will come from are the ones who distributed the pieces of bread to the crowd with faith that it will be enough.
Don’t let your fear, doubt, brokenness keep you from passing those bread by faith! God uses doubtful, broken people for his Glory.
You have what it takes to be used by God because of what Jesus did on the cross for us (John 3:16). Keep thanking God for choosing you and keep choosing Him, for great blessings are awaiting you.
Trust God and step into God’s promises by faith!